Orchid leaves are generally green in colour, with parallel veins converging to both ends. However, a few of the ground orchids (also rarely some epiphytic ones) bore green to brown or reddish-brown mottled (with irregular marks, blotches or patches), variegated (with zones of different shades of colour) and reticulated (with net like veins) leaves. Due to their beautiful leaf colouration and vein patterns, these orchids are called “Jewel Orchids”. Many species from the genera Anoectochilus, Corybas, Goodyera, Neottia, Paphiopedilum, Zeuxine etc., are examples of “Jewel Orchids”, with astonishingly beautiful leaves. These orchids with their attractive leaves are very decorative even when not in flower, hence is of great demand among orchid growers and enthusiasts across the globe.
Post 02 – 19/Aug/2020