Odontochilus poilanei (Gagnep.) Ormerod – a new report for India from the state of Arunachal Pradesh.

Odontochilus poilanei (Gagnep.) Ormerod – a new report for India from the state of Arunachal Pradesh.

Odontochilus poilanei
Odontochilus poilanei

Holomycotrophic. Plants 20-35 cm. Rhizome cylindric, long, stout, with wartlike outgrowths. Stem cylindric, stout, hispidulous, enveloped in sheathing scales. Leafless. Rachis 7-22 flowered, fragrant, non-resupinate. Sepals unequal, abaxially hispidulous, apex acute; dorsal ovate-lanceolate, 0.5-0.7 X 0.2 cm; lateral oblanceolate-obovate, 1-1.5 X 0.3-0.5 cm, oblique, falcate. Petals linear-lanceolate, as long as dorsal sepal, dimidiate, falcate, apex subacute. Lip longer than lateral sepals; base shallowly saccate; claw with 12-17 pairs of short fimbria; apex 2-lobed, lobes diverging at an obtuse angle, lobules ovate-obovate, margin incised, apex subtruncate. Floral bracts ovate-lanceolate, shorter than ovary.

5400-6100 ft; September; Extremely rare.

Arunachal Pradesh.

Odontochilus poilanei
Odontochilus poilanei
Odontochilus poilanei
Odontochilus poilanei

Herminium albovirens (Renz) X.H.Jin, Schuit., Raskoti & Lu Q.Huang – a new report for India from the state of Sikkim.

Herminium albovirens (Renz) X.H.Jin, Schuit., Raskoti & Lu Q.Huang – a new report for India from the state of Sikkim.

Herminium albovirens
Herminium albovirens

Terrestrial. Plants 4.5-7 cm. Tuber ovoid, 0.5-1, 0.7-1.2 cm in diameter. Stem cylindric, 2.5-5 cm, slender, rooting from base. Leaves lanceolate-oblanceolate, 2-3.5 X 1-1.7 cm, sessile, apex acute-recurved. Peduncle ribbed; flower terminal. Sepals 0.7-1.2 X 1-1.5 cm, apex blunt-minutely concave; dorsal ovate; lateral ovate-lanceolate. Petals oblong-obovate to oblong-rhombic, 0.5-1 X 0.7-1 cm, apex blunt. Lip as long as sepals; 3-lobed; lobules oblong-lanceolate, apex blunt. Spur cylindric, apex blunt. Floral bract lanceolate, much shorter than ovary.

13200-13400 ft; August/September; Extremely rare.


Herminium albovirens
Herminium albovirens
Herminium albovirens
Herminium albovirens

Platanthera dulongensis X.H.Jin & Efimov – a new report for India from Darjeeling District, West Bengal.

Platanthera dulongensis X.H.Jin & Efimov – a new report for India from Darjeeling District, West Bengal.

Platanthera dulongensis
Platanthera dulongensis

Terrestrial. Plants 18-35 cm. Tuber cylindric, 1.5-7, 0.7-1.2 cm in diameter, hairy. Stem cylindric, 7-15, 1-1.2 cm in diameter, base sheathed and rooting. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, 6.5-14 X 1.2-3.5 cm, petiole-like base and tubular sheath, apex acute to blunt. Peduncle angled or ribbed; many flowered. Sepals 0.3-0.5 X 0.2 cm, apex blunt; dorsal ovate; lateral oblong-lanceolate. Petals as long as dorsal sepal, oblong-lanceolate, apex blunt. Lip longer than lateral sepals, ovate-lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, apex blunt. Spur cylindric, apex shallowly bifid. Floral bracts lanceolate, longer than ovary.

8600-9700 ft; August; Extremely rare.

Darjeeling district.

Platanthera dulongensis
Platanthera dulongensis
Platanthera dulongensis
Platanthera dulongensis
Platanthera dulongensis
Platanthera dulongensis
  • Swami, N. (2016). Terrestrial Orchids 1-228. Pushpa Mrga, India, as Platanthera fugongensis Ormerod

Bulbophyllum hainanense Z.H.Tsi – a new report for India from Arunachal Pradesh.

Bulbophyllum hainanense Z.H.Tsi – a new report for India from Arunachal Pradesh.

Bulbophyllum hainanense
Bulbophyllum hainanense

Epiphytic. Rhizome creeping, slender, branching, rooting at nodes. Pseudobulb absent. Leaves 1-1.5 cm apart, oval-elliptic, 0.8-1.2 X 0.4-0.7 cm, oblique, petiole short, apex acute and notched. Scapes from nodes, with 2-3 sheaths; 2-flowered. Sepals ovate-triangular to ovate-lanceolate, 0.5-0.8 X 0.3-0.5 cm, apex acute; lateral oblique. Petals oblong-spatulate to oblong-obovate, 0.3-0.5 X 0.2 cm, apex obtuse. Lip broadly ovate, longer than petals, recurved, apex acute. Floral bracts ovate-lanceolate, shorter than pedicellate ovary.

5400 ft; April; Extremely rare.

Arunachal Pradesh.

Bulbophyllum hainanense
Bulbophyllum hainanense
Bulbophyllum hainanense
Bulbophyllum hainanense
Bulbophyllum hainanense
Bulbophyllum hainanense

Neottia tenuis (Lindl.) Szlach. – a new report for Arunachal Pradesh.

Neottia tenuis (Lindl.) Szlach. – a new report for Arunachal Pradesh.

Neottia tenuis (Lindl.) Szlach.
Neottia tenuis (Lindl.) Szlach.

Terrestrial or lithophytic. Plants 7-15 cm. Stem cylindric, 5-9 cm, slender, rooting from base. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, 2.2-3 X 1.2-1.5 cm, opposite, sessile, apex acute. Peduncle and rachis puberulent; many flowered. Sepals lanceolate, 0.5 X 0.2-0.3 cm, apex acute; lateral slightly falcate. Petals lanceolate, shorter than sepals, apex acute. Lip obovate-rotund to obcordate, longer than sepals, apex lobed and mucronate, lobules subrounded. Floral bracts ovate-lanceolate, shorter than ovary.

10100-12800 ft; June/July; Extremely rare.

Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim.

Neottia tenuis (Lindl.) Szlach.
Neottia tenuis (Lindl.) Szlach.
Neottia tenuis (Lindl.) Szlach.
Neottia tenuis (Lindl.) Szlach.

Herminium biporosum Maxim. – a new report for India.

Herminium biporosum Maxim. – a new report for India from Arunachal Pradesh.

Herminium biporosum Maxim.
Herminium biporosum Maxim.
Herminium biporosum Maxim.
Herminium biporosum Maxim.

Terrestrial or lithophytic. Plants 7.5-20 cm. Tubers subglobose to subconic, 0.7-1, 1-1.2 cm in diameter, hairy. Stem cylindric, 1.5-2 cm, slender, sheathed. Leaf oblong-lanceolate, 2-4.5 X 0.7-1.2 cm, petiole-like base and tubular sheath, apex subacute. Inflorescence 5-15 cm, slender; subdensely flowered. Sepals unequal, apex subacute; dorsal broadly ovate, 0.2-0.3 X 0.1-0.2 cm; lateral lanceolate, 0.2-0.4 X 0.2-0.3 cm, oblique, slightly falcate. Petals ovate, as long as dorsal sepal, apex obtuse. Lip oblong to lanceolate, longer than sepals, base dilated and with 2 pits, apex acute. Floral bracts ovate, short.

11800-12870 ft; June/July; Extremely rare.

Arunachal Pradesh.

Herminium biporosum Maxim.
Herminium biporosum Maxim.
Herminium biporosum Maxim.
Herminium biporosum Maxim.

Bulbophyllum raskotii J.J.Verma., Schuit. & de Vogel – a new report for India

Bulbophyllum raskotii J.J.Verma., Schuit. & de Vogel, a new report for India from Arunachal Pradesh.

Bulbophyllum raskotii J.J.Verma., Schuit. & de Vogel
Bulbophyllum raskotii J.J.Verma., Schuit. & de Vogel – habitat.

Epiphytic or lithophytic. Rhizome creeping, 0.2-0.3 cm in diameter, branching, sheathed. Pseudobulbs 1-2.5 cm apart, ovoid-conic, 1-1.5, 1.5-2.2 cm in diameter, slightly curved, rooting from base. Leaf oblong-elliptic, 3.5-5 X 1.2-1.5 cm, petiolate, apex obtuse and retuse. Scapes from base of pseudobulbs, with 2-3 sheaths; few flowered. Sepals ovate-lanceolate, 0.5-0.7 X 0.3-0.4 cm, apex subacute. Petals broadly ovate to suborbicular, 0.3-0.5 X 0.2-0.3 cm, apex obtuse. Lip shorter than sepals, 3-lobed; lateral lobes rotund to suborbicular, spreading, apex obtuse to rounded; terminal lobe linear-lanceolate, apex acute to subacute. Floral bracts ovate-lanceolate, shorter than ovary.

5600-9600 ft; June/July; Rare.

Arunachal Pradesh.

Bulbophyllum raskotii J.J.Verma., Schuit. & de Vogel
Bulbophyllum raskotii J.J.Verma., Schuit. & de Vogel
Bulbophyllum raskotii J.J.Verma., Schuit. & de Vogel
Bulbophyllum raskotii J.J.Verma., Schuit. & de Vogel – a colour form.