Calanthe whiteana King and Pantling


ISBN 978-93-5258-377-5

Calanthe whiteana King and Pantling – According to King and Pantling who described the species more than 115 years ago, “This is as yet a little-known plant, only a few specimens having hitherto been gathered”. The author during the course of study was able to locate the species from Sikkim as well as Arunachal Pradesh. The discovery and detailed in-situ study helped in updating the hitherto unknown characteristics of the species. The book, TERRESTRIAL ORCHIDS, presents the species in bloom, with its characteristics and habitat described in great detail and dimension.

Calanthe whiteana King and Pantling
Calanthe whiteana King and Pantling
Terrestrial Orchids by Naresh Swami
Terrestrial Orchids by Naresh Swami
Terrestrial Orchids by Naresh Swami
Terrestrial Orchids by Naresh Swami

Calanthe trulliformis King and Pantling


ISBN 978-93-5258-377-5

Calanthe trulliformis King and Pantling – A very rare species native to Sikkim and Darjeeling district, and believed to be of Eastern Nepal. The species was described more than 115 years ago by King and Pantling in their monumental work. However, till the work of this author in the region, the species was devoid of any photographic evidence. The author during his study was able to rediscover the species from Sikkim as well as from the district of Darjeeling (West Bengal) and produce the only currently available photographic evidence of the species. The book, TERRESTRIAL ORCHIDS, presents the species in bloom, with its characteristics and habitat described in great detail and dimension.

Calanthe trulliformis King and Pantling
Calanthe trulliformis King and Pantling
Terrestrial Orchids by Naresh Swami
Terrestrial Orchids by Naresh Swami
Terrestrial Orchids by Naresh Swami
Terrestrial Orchids by Naresh Swami
Terrestrial Orchids by Naresh Swami
Terrestrial Orchids by Naresh Swami

Calanthe puberula Lindl.


ISBN 978-93-5258-377-5

Calanthe puberula Lindl. – Another beautiful flowering species spread across the length and breadth of the Eastern Himalayas. The author during his study was able to discover a rare variety of the species with pendulous flowers. The book, TERRESTRIAL ORCHIDS, presents the species and the variety in bloom, with its characteristics and habitat described in great detail and dimension.

Calanthe puberula Lindl.
Calanthe puberula Lindl.
Terrestrial Orchids by Naresh Swami
Terrestrial Orchids by Naresh Swami
Terrestrial Orchids by Naresh Swami
Terrestrial Orchids by Naresh Swami

Calanthe plantaginea Lindl.


ISBN 978-93-5258-377-5

Calanthe plantaginea Lindl. – A beautiful flowering species which strangely eluded the land mass of Sikkim-Himalayas. The author during his study was able to discovery a variety of the species with laxly arranged flowers from the state of Arunachal Pradesh. The book, TERRESTRIAL ORCHIDS, presents the species and the variety in bloom, with its characteristics and habitat described in great detail and dimension.

Calanthe plantaginea Lindl.
Calanthe plantaginea Lindl.
Terrestrial Orchids by Naresh Swami
Terrestrial Orchids by Naresh Swami
Terrestrial Orchids by Naresh Swami
Terrestrial Orchids by Naresh Swami

Calanthe mannii Hook.f.


ISBN 978-93-5258-377-5

Calanthe mannii Hook.f. – An extremely rare species. King and Pantling mentioned in their monumental work and mentioned that, they found only one living specimen of this species, pointing towards its rarity. The rarity still continues with no research work presenting a photographic evidence of the species, with all its authors depending on the century old drawings and descriptions. The author was able to locate the species from two regions separated by miles and to produce the first ever detailed in-situ documentary evidences of the species from the region. The book, TERRESTRIAL ORCHIDS, presents the species in bloom, with its characteristics and habitat described in great detail and dimension.

Calanthe mannii Hook.f.
Calanthe mannii Hook.f.
Terrestrial Orchids by Naresh Swami
Terrestrial Orchids by Naresh Swami
Terrestrial Orchids by Naresh Swami
Terrestrial Orchids by Naresh Swami

Calanthe herbacea Lindl.


ISBN 978-93-5258-377-5

Calanthe herbacea Lindl. – A very attractive species of the region. For reasons beyond thoughts, King and Pantling described the species as inodorous. All the other authors and publications since the monumental publication of 1898 described the species “inodorous”. This author located the species from several locations and did detailed in-situ study. All the specimens found were pleasant smelling, that too can be sensed from quite a distance. Also, the author was able to discovery a variety with pure white callus instead of its usual yellow. The book, TERRESTRIAL ORCHIDS, presents the species in bloom, with its characteristics and habitat described in great detail and dimension.

Calanthe herbacea Lindl.
Calanthe herbacea Lindl.
Terrestrial Orchids by Naresh Swami
Terrestrial Orchids by Naresh Swami
Terrestrial Orchids by Naresh Swami
Terrestrial Orchids by Naresh Swami