Cremastra appendiculata (D.Don) Makino, a species with varying characteristics, from the number of leaves to its flower colourations. The book, TERRESTRIAL ORCHIDS, presents the species in bloom, with its characteristics and habitat described in great detail and dimension.
Cremastra appendiculata (D.Don) MakinoTerrestrial Orchids by Naresh SwamiTerrestrial Orchids by Naresh Swami
Corybas himalaicus (King & Pantling) Schltr., the only petal-less orchid from the region of eastern Himalayas. In their monumental work King and panting mentioned about a “moist vertical rock” from where their collectors found the species. After more than 125 years, this author during his studies was able to locate the same moist vertical rock and the species thriving on it. The book, TERRESTRIAL ORCHIDS, presents the species in bloom, with its characteristics and habitat described in great detail and dimension.
Corybas himalaicus (King & Pantling) Schltr.Terrestrial Orchids by Naresh SwamiTerrestrial Orchids by Naresh Swami
Cheirostylis griffithii Lindl. – Another beautiful flowered ground orchid which blooms in the summer months, often confused with its close generic allies. The book, TERRESTRIAL ORCHIDS, presents the species in bloom, with its characteristics and habitat described in great detail and dimension.
Cheirostylis griffithii Lindl.Terrestrial Orchids by Naresh SwamiTerrestrial Orchids by Naresh Swami