Orchid Lessons by Naresh Swami – Awn.

A bristle-like extension, at the apex (tip) of leaves, floral bracts, sepals and petals is termed an awn. This characteristic is very prominent in the Poaceae (Grass) family, however, many orchid plants also have this unique feature. 

Presented below is a Bulbophyllum sp.

Bulbophyllum sp.
Bulbophyllum sp.

Post 06 – 01/September/2020

Orchid Lessons by Naresh Swami – Bulbophyllum

Bulbophyllum is the largest genus among all orchids with the highest species diversity in India. The plants are generally perennial, with most of the species growing on tree trunks (epiphytic) or boulders (lithophytic). Many species are gregarious in nature, covering up the whole tree trunk or the boulder where it occupies.

Bulbophyllum sp.
Bulbophyllum sp.
Bulbophyllum sp.
Bulbophyllum sp.
Bulbophyllum sp.
Bulbophyllum sp.
Bulbophyllum sp.
Bulbophyllum sp.

Post 1 – 16/August/2020.