Orchid Lessons by Naresh Swami – Varying colour formation in orchid flowers.

Each plant species tends to grow in a particular altitudinal range. Many of them won’t survive the varying climatic conditions of altitudinal differences. However, certain orchid species have evolved to a great extent to widen their populations to multitude of altitudinal ranges – from the tropical to the subalpine/alpine zone.

For example, the Crepidium sp. presented here, has a varying altitudinal range from almost 300 ft to 9800 ft MSL. But the main objective they face is to find the right pollinator, as the life cycle of many insects (the main pollinators of orchids) depend upon many factors including the altitudinal range of their existence. Not all insects can survive in varying altitudinal ranges. 

To overcome this challenge, the evolutionary mechanism in orchids developed techniques to change the colouration of its flowers along the altitudinal range to attract pollinators of their habitats with ease.

Crepidium sp.
Crepidium sp.
Crepidium sp.
Crepidium sp.
Crepidium sp.
Crepidium sp.
Crepidium sp.
Crepidium sp.

Post 28 – 11/November/2020

Crepidium purpureum (Lindl.) Szlach.


ISBN 978-93-5258-377-5

Crepidium purpureum (Lindl.) Szlach. – Sir. George King and Robert Pantling in their monumental work, The Orchids of the Sikkim-Himalaya published in the year 1898, noted about the species, “flowers vary from pale yellow to dull purple”. The author during his work was able to rediscover and document many specimens with color variations from pale yellow to dull purple. Many of them are the first ever evidence from the region. The book, TERRESTRIAL ORCHIDS, presents the species in bloom, with its characteristics and habitat described in great detail and dimension.

Crepidium purpureum (Lindl.) Szlach.
Crepidium purpureum (Lindl.) Szlach.
Terrestrial Orchids by Naresh Swami
Terrestrial Orchids by Naresh Swami
Terrestrial Orchids by Naresh Swami
Terrestrial Orchids by Naresh Swami