Orchid Lessons by Naresh Swami – Perpendicularly bent leaf blades.

Leaf blades in orchids with pseudobulbs ariseĀ from the apex of the bulb, with the axis of both remaining same and in a straight line. However, there are cases in which the leaves bent perpendicularly to the axis of the bulb.

This phenomenon is very rare and occurs in only a handful of orchid species. The reason for this unique characteristic is a little vague. During my studies, it was observed that those species with perpendicularly bent leaves always grow facing a particular direction. Hence, it is to be believed that the perpendicularly bent arrangement of the leaf blade may be for receiving maximum sunlight.

Example of perpendicularly bent leaf blades.
Example of perpendicularly bent leaf blades.
Example of perpendicularly bent leaf blades.
Example of perpendicularly bent leaf blades.
Example of a normal leaf blade.
Example of a normal leaf blade.

Post 25 – 02/November/2020